Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"Save The Planet"

There is one very good reason to have children, that being having a stake in the future of the society and ecology in which you presently live.

I don't have children and to be absolutely totally honest, I care little about what happens after I die. Thankfully, most adults have children although that number is declining every year.

I am all for ecology but because of my childless state, I am not as overly concerned as a lot of people are. I don't go out of my way to be earth friendly but I understand those that do.

But I think a lot of ecologists are confused about exactly what they are saving.

The Planet has survived Ice Ages, Massive Volcanic Explosions, Meteors, Catastrophic Flooding, Extensive Forest Fires, Plate Tectonics and pretty much everything else Nature could throw at it. And it has always bounced back.

Humans have been on this earth for a million years, the blink of an eye in the big picture of things. There is no amount of damage we can do that won't be reversed over time. Nature will always overcome the remains of man.

We don't have to save the Planet, it's our civilisation we are in danger of losing.

If we lose our Ice Caps due to Global Warming the changes to our economies and societies will be immeasurably altered. Nothing will be the same, everything about how we live and think will be altered.

Sometimes radical change is a good thing in the long run.

But the Planet will overcome it, just as it did the Ice Ages and in 100 million years it could be that, if indeed the Ice Caps melt, that they will be back in position where they are today.

So let's not say "Save the Planet", let's say "Save Ourselves", it might have a greater impact.