Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The People Are Crazy!

You know polls are all the rage among "news" sites. We have a local popular site that provides news and information for our area, Castanet, and they usually have a poll a day on some current event.

The polls are interesting to me, not because of the particular issue, but because they often reflect how polarised are society has become. Results are often split 50/50 representing opposite thinking among the community.

Today's' poll was: "Do you agree with opposition calls for tighter gun control?"

To me this is a no-brainer, YES OF COURSE! But the poll revealed that a clear majority said NO.

I realise that I live in a religious, ultra conservative, wealthy, right wing community but to me allowing people access to guns, especially hand guns, is CRAZY!

Usually I enjoy being in the minority on issues, I am convinced the majority of people are misinformed if not down right stupid.

But in this case I really have to wonder what people are thinking.

If I ruled this country here's what I would do:

1. Minimum 6 month jail sentence for anyone possessing a handgun who is not a law enforcement agent or military man on duty. For those who enjoy the "sport" of Target Practise, guns would be kept at the Target Facility and not be taken off that premises.

2. For rifles and shotguns, those used for hunting purposes: These weapons must be stored at a central depot. When you want to go hunting you pick up your weapon after presenting your hunting license and you bring it back to the depot for storage after your hunting is over.

No one needs to carry a handgun. Those that feel the need are probably leading a life of crime of some sort.

For those that feel the need to "protect their family" I suggest that your family is in more peril by having a gun around the house that could accidentally discharge than by any outside force. If you are that afraid, I suggest you discuss your paranoia with a medical professional and seek a solution there.

Read more on this subject here.