Monday, November 06, 2006

Quit Your Complaining

Several years ago I watched a documentary, part of which described a young man in Somalia that was employed by a salt farmer. The image was so powerful that it has stayed with me all these years.

This person worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week under a scorching sun cutting slabs of salt out of the salt field for just enough wages to keep him and his family from starving.

His father did the same and chances are his son will do so too.

So what's my point? I live in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. It is a beautiful place with wealth and opportunities for all and a wonderful wilderness of forests and mountains at our doorstep.

Whenever I am having a bad day, it helps to think about this poor miserable soul endlessly toiling over the blinding salt, with no hope of a better future. If he only knew his plight served as a source of comfort for another.

Anyone who lives where I do or lives in a place like it really has little cause to complain about their current situation.