Monday, November 27, 2006

Head In The Sand Syndrome

I absolutely CRINGE when I hear people say: "I don't read the newspapers or watch the news, it's always so negative". That's a jaw dropper.

For me, there is no negative or positive, there is just "what is". And if "what is" makes you feel angry or sad, then maybe you should do something about it. The worst thing is to ignore it and hope that it will go away.

In 1933 a lot of Germans ignored the warning signs of what was happening in their country and we all know what happened.

Instead of dealing with reality these "news-ignorers" turn to the spiritual world and involve themselves in dreamy Utopian fantasies that have no relevance to the real world. Comfort thoughts I call them, kind of like Kettle Chips for the mind.

I love reality. I want to see images of war and pestilence and starvation. I want to know about heinous human behaviour. I want to know all the politics that involves decisions affecting our society. I want to know about the underground economics that drives our "capitalist" system.

The more you know, the less you fear.

I look for patterns in the news and world events and, having a knowledge of history, I can see old patterns emerging.

It's true that many huge information sources like CNN, AP, FOX, CBS, Thompson have their own corporate agendas. So isn't it wise to keep tabs on exactly what they are presenting to us as "news"?

So I am saying to all those with their Heads In The Sand to yank them out and take a good look around. It's a scary world but it's less so when you know what's going on.